1. How many
types of computer exist?
desktop computer
laptop or notebook computer
tablet computer
2. What does
C.P.U. means?
Computer Processing Unit
3. Where you
can find the standard computer tools and programs in your computer?
In the ‘Start’ button
4. What are
the most common web browsers?
ü Internet
ü Firefox
ü and
5. What do you
need to access the web?
First you need a connection to the internet and a web
browser to access and navigate the web
6. What kinds of internet connection are?
ü Dial-up
ü Broadband
ü Wireless
7. How useful
is the advanced Search button?
Very useful because there you can specify some
elements, like for example which words you don’t want, the format, the domain,
the language, etc.
8. How can you
tell where the information on the web is coming from?
By it domain, each of it has it meaning and gives you
an idea about what kind of information you will find there.
9. How can you
create a strong password?
By combining numbers, lower and upper case letters and
10. How can
you find real health information on the web?
When searching this kind of information on the web we
should first, look for the person or organization that is behind the website,
but it is a better idea to consult the hospital websites or the national
library of medicine.
11. Where you
can find educational resources on the web?
Television and media sites (History, Discovery, etc),
Academic materials and National repositories.
12. What is
the function of the cookies and cache?
This storage the interaction of your browser with
13. Why it is
a good idea to adjust the options and setting of your internet browser?
To better control your security online and personalize
your preferences when navigating.
14. What you
can find when you’re using the web?
Save or share information, or joining a group or
15. What can
you do with an e-mail account?
Communicate online with family and friends, share photos,
information or documents.
16. What are
some of the most common e-mails providers?
ü Gmail
ü Microsoft
ü Yahoo
17. How can
you get an e-mail account?
By typing on the web the name of the provider and adding
free account. Then, clicking on the buttons that might said “create an account”,
“sign up”, etc.
Finally, by following the instructions.
18. What you
should do once that you’ve got you e-mail account?
Write down the new e-mail address, the password and
the page where you created it.
19. How can
you share a document or photo from your computer?
By creating a new e-mail message and the clicking on
the button that said ‘attach’ , then locate where are the documents or photos
in your computer. Then, click on it and finally click on ‘open’ button. Now
send it to the e-mail of the person you want to share that and send it.
20. What does a social network allows the user?
To create their own space and uploading information to
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